Felix, Net & Nika and the Third Cousin - coverFelix, Net and Nika go for a winter camp to the pension „The Three Cousins” located in the forest, in the middle of mountainous nowhere and run by very weird old ladies. Old furniture and very odd paintings create a peculiar atmosphere and things get really scary when somebody starts walking around the house at night leaving strange surprises for terrified teenagers.

The book, as all books in the „Felix, Net and Nika” series, is full of humour, spine-tingling adventures and twins and turns of teenage love life. Terribly tasty first polish horror for the young readers!

Oto, proszę Państwa, opus magnum polskiej kuchni, albo, zależnie od punktu widzenia, chaos kulinarny w czystej postaci. Podstawą jest kapusta kiszona i głównie od niej zależy tu sukces. Lepiej więc kupować ją z beki w warzywniaku i najpierw spróbować, bo koszt składników i nakład pracy czynią ewentualną porażkę bardzo dotkliwą. Tym ważniejszy jest więc dobór […]

Chameleon - cover USS “Ronald Reagan” comes into orbit of planet Ruthar Larcke with a rescue mission. Four hundred thirteen years earlier a spaceship being in search for new planets which could be terraformed disappeared in this area.

Mission’s crew discovers new riddles: how is it possible that a planet one hundred twenty light years away from Earth is inhabited by a multimillion community of people? Has one of the crew members become infected with an alien life form? And is their mission really a rescue one?

War, revolution, behind-the-scenes intrigues, unfulfilled love. Thrilling action of The Chameleon does not prevent important questions from being asked. Is killing a part of the human nature? Do the limits of human understanding exist? What is the nature of faith? The fascinating multi-layered story, full of riddles, secrets and unexpected twists of the plot will remain in reader’s memory for a long time.

The book has gained The Janusz A. Zajdel Award (Nagroda imienia Janusza A. Zajdla), Sfinks in Polish Novel of the Year category and Jerzy Żuławski Literaty Award. Also the book has won plebiscite Best Polish SF Novel.

Vertical - cover The world doesn’t look the way it should but if you have spent your whole life in it, you probably don’t notice it.

In „Vertical” cities attached to steel ropes are inhabited by people searching their vague Goal. They are unaware of the past, have no interest in the future. Only one man tries to figure out the nature of this world as his intuition tells him that surrounding vast Sky is not the best place to live. In order to solve this puzzle he decides to risk everything he has, including his life and find those who constructed the cities. It is a journey full of unexpected discoveries, a trip towards death and new life.

In 2006 The book was nominated for The Janusz A. Zajdel Award (Nagroda imienia Janusza A. Zajdla). It is the annual award given by the Polish science fiction & fantasy fandom for the best stories published during the previous year.

In 2006 the book has gained Nautilus Award Polish science fiction and fantasy award created by Robert J. Szmidt of the Science Fiction magazine. Each year, five novels and short stories are recognized.

Felix, Net & Nika and Theoretically Possible Catastrophe - cover „Felix, Net & Nika and Theoretically Possible Catastrophe” is a full of humour adventure novel for young readers. Its heroes – junior high students are dragged into a string of mysterious events. They come across big carnivorous plant, accidentally turn on some strange machine for years hidden under the ground, try to prevent air crash and go on tour on flying sailing ship… and that’s just the beginning. At the same time they have to solve difficult puzzle that would allow them to come back home. It is not en easy task as they are chased by mysterious ghosts and even more mysterious MIB.

Felix’s inventions, Nika’s intuition, Net’s mathematical skills and Manfred – AI system – let them safely get away from troubles.
The book is written with young language, the plot submerged in Polish everyday reality. One adventure chases another and the book is to be read in one go.

This book has also been awarded the Prize of the Book of the Year 2005 by the Literary Competition IBBY Polish Section.

Mars - cover Settlers for centuries arriving in Mars have built cities, established civilisation. They emigrated from the overpopulated Earth in search for a new, better world, space and work.
We can see the Red Planet through eyes of a few heroes who take part in events crucial for the new civilisation. Czytaj dalej